Nice one P.E.
I feel that many JW's are so sick and tired of hearing the needle stuck on the org's broken record - it's coming soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon!!!!!!!!!
since i woke up and left i've been contacted by others i knew from my youth who've also left the cult.
also people around the world on facebook adding me out of the blue because we have mutual friends and they occasionally ask me stuff or share their story.. what i've noticed in the vast majority of cases, is that people are waking up not because of the arc or doctrine but apathy.
active jws are becoming less and less interested, less and less bothered.
Nice one P.E.
I feel that many JW's are so sick and tired of hearing the needle stuck on the org's broken record - it's coming soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon!!!!!!!!!
The WTBTS monitors YouTube etc. for anti-org material, and where possible, targets anyone (especially non-d/fd JW's) who "infringe" their copyrighted material - material which they themselves offer freely on their own web site.
Spotlighting the corrupt teachings & practices of the cult cannot be tolerated.
a bit of context on the situation that occurred 8 years ago.. i grew up with this woman.
beautiful person, not hat asthetically, just such a great human being.
we always had feeling for each other.
Tell her you'd like to have a "study" with her - a study to compare JW teachings with what the Bible says.
What have you got to lose??? Nothing! Both of you can only gain. PM me if you'd like some info to use in your study.
I wish you both well.
hello, recently, i talked with the witness of the united states.
"jehovah's witnesses" in the united nations.
as far as i understand, the organization had to fully accept the un charter and cooperate with the un.the jehovah's witness replied to me that there is no contradiction in this.he said that witnesses are allowed to apply, for example, to courts or other organizations for help.when i told him that the organization is participating in the osce, he is said to be normal too.he said that they are not affected.
The JW hierarchy will always try to claim "both sides of the fence" when their hypocritical statements & actions are exposed.
Using law courts to seek justice and reparation is a scripturally based provision for Christians, but openly associating with and affirming acceptance of the aims of the "wild beast's" political/military entities (the U.N. & O.S.C.E.) for whatever motives, says it all about the WTBTS's claim of being "the truth."
Note to the self-proclaimed "faithful slave" - Quit touching the unclean thing.
a uk organization has been fined £200,000 for accidentally breaching the data protection of numerous individuals..
how will jw branches/elders fare in the eyes of the law if they deliberately breach someone's privacy?.
uk elders/trustees, it may be time to take out liability insurance for yourselves!.
A UK organization has been fined £200,000 for accidentally breaching the Data Protection of numerous individuals.
How will JW Branches/Elders fare in the eyes of the law if they deliberately breach someone's privacy?
UK Elders/trustees, it may be time to take out liability insurance for yourselves!
pimo filmed a marking talk about him.
crazy how the many of things mentioned are the same thing the borg does, like brainwashing and indoctrinating.
what's crazier is how he's saying to the congregation not to do research or look up bad news articles because they are all "fake news.
Excellent!!! Thanks for this javierjiminy.
Brainwashing & mind-control talks like this from the WTBTS overwhelmingly proves their 'cult' status:
1) Don't examine any information about the org which wasn't provided themselves.
2) Don't question or doubt anything the "faithful slave" tells you - because they'd never deceive or lie to you.
3) And most importantly, ignore the Bible command at 1 John 4:1 "do not believe every inspired statement, test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Everything the speaker said about brainwashing techniques applies equally to his alleged "true religion."
my mom's family is mostly jws.
during her second marriage, i attended the weekly meeting and sunday meetings (by my own choice) with a family in the very small town we lived, since my mom didn’t attend.
A very lengthy post which appears to indicate you feel "connected" with JW's on different levels.
As a POMO formerly zealous JW, I can now state with 100% certainty that the WTBTS is anything but the "true religion." It is a truly disgusting business corporation masquerading as "God's faithful slave."
If you require Biblical evidence (as opposed to literature proofs) which I believe show how lying & deceitful many of their teachings are, just PM me and I'll provide you with 14 Bible v literature statements for you to critically analyse.
If your faith is truly in the scriptures, then you'll avoid JW's like the plague.
sorry i forgot to update when i was there.. the only things i want to talk about is how they would tell young ones to tell every body in school that their a jw.i hate when this happens this will not go well for all.they had one random video about some kid,the kid said the teacher would make fun of him,but one day the teacher let him talk about being a jw (this parts bs)then some random teachers and the principal walked in for no reason,and he got to talk about to most of the school wtf.. i hate the fact they tell kids to tell every body their a jw once again this will not go well for all..
As a school kid I was victimised and beaten by ridiculing students because I was taken out of Religious Education classes - as directed by the cult at that time.
Imagine my dismay when I heard many years later that JW kids were now allowed to participate in Religious Studies.
Clearly, the teachings I received couldn't counter all the "false" teachings of that time.
i know someone who's family is very spiritual and says that her brother only pioneers and does not want to become an elder for various reasons, probably not wanting to deal with people's problems, and also the tremendous workload they put on them.
is this considered refusing advancement by god, or just choosing your own way?
he has not been "tapped" to become one, but he merely hasn't strived to become one..
Good for your friend!
Any male JW who doesn't strive to "reach out," or refuses to accept any assignment offered to them - especially to become "part of the team" - will be classed as persona non grata by the appointed men and their families/friends.
great to see such an eager young team.
harry kane is incredible.'ll have to click on the play on youtube link below.
Some very good games so far. Also, because the VAR technology is in its infancy in soccer, it's not only highlighting nasty practices by players, but also very poor refereeing decisions. Thankfully, the Egyptian referee in England's game had the courage to clamp down on the assaults within the penalty area.
Soccer's VAR will eventually have to reach the same high standards which rugby has achieved.